relative constraint with polylines drawing...

 From:  Michael Gibson
547.2 In reply to 547.1 
> To summarize, what is the fastest way to draw 2 perpendiculars( angular snap )?

This works a little differently if you are drawing a polyline instead of separate lines.

If you are drawing individual lines, straight snap should give you an automatic perpendicular snap to the previous line that it is snapped on to.

For a polyline this is not enabled immediately, but if you drag out a construction line from the previous point, that construction line will have a perpendicular straight snap enabled on it, so you can place the construction line and then snap the next point on to it.

> I would like to know if there's a fast way to draw a line segment ( 2d) with a
> relative constraint ( angular ) to the previous one ( not based on the world grid->straight snap ).

There isn't currently any way to draw a line at a relative angle to another line instead of the world grid (except for 90 degrees with perpendicular straight snap). Right now you have to draw the line straight and then use Transform/Rotate to apply your angle.

> Another question, is there a way to have a snap increment when you relocate(/reorient
> relative to the previous state) cline?

For relocate, you can use reorient first to set up the direction you want to move in, then draw a second construction line and relocate it using the reoriented one as a guide.

For re-orient, you can type in an angle constraint in the angle box down in the bottom bar (beneath and to the right of the x, y, z coordinate box), and that will enable an angle constraint for the reorientation but it will be based off of the world grid.

I have an idea on how to make relative angles work, I think I could add a 4th entry to that cline pop-up menu that would take in an angle value and allow you to rotate the cline by a specific amount. That would allow relative angles instead of only world-grid angles. I'll see if I can add that in.

> Is there any plan for an eps/ai importer ?

Yes, I am planning on this. If you have any sample files that you could send to me, it would help me when I start to work on this, please send any to me at .

> Possible to print in the future like in rhino4 ( very good scale control ) ?

I do want to have this in a future version, but it won't be ready for the V1 release.

- Michael