space navigator

 From:  Michael Gibson
5391.2 In reply to 5391.1 
Hi Burr, I'm not really sure what would cause different behavior in a split versus maximized view - I guess a maximized view has to do more work since there are 4 times as many pixels to draw - if it's something timing related like the spacenavigator is getting backed up and not getting messages dealt with fast enough...

Is this the thing that you've mentioned before about moving both the mouse and the space navigator simultaneously? If you don't move the mouse while you are using the space navigator does it still stutter any then or not?

There is a new interface infrastructure for interacting with the space navigator, I guess it could be possible that it's not as susceptible to competing with mouse move messages as the previous interface was, but like everything it would take a fair amount of work to experiment with it, so it's hard to prioritize it...

- Michael