Feature ideas maybe...

 From:  Michael Gibson
5387.8 In reply to 5387.7 
Hi Mike,

> Michael, you mean Match Edge would'nt work on the edges that are trimmed,
> which is 98% of what my models are made of?

You'll be able to match _to_ a trimmed edge, but the edge being modified will need to be a "natural edge" of the surface.

That's because match will work by a certain kind of surface control point editing, and on a trimmed edge there is not really any particular direct controlling connection between the edge and the surface shape.

On an untrimmed edge the surface and the edge are more implicitly connected together.

> I know it might be silly that I suggested a surface wrinkle "relaxer" tool <...>

That's probably what would be called a "surface fairing" tool and I would like to have that too, it's just probably a kind of lower priority thing that blending and matching.

- Michael