V3 beta Sep-1-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  PaQ
Hi Michael,

I understand, thanks for the tips !

Just an wake-up idea about the iso curve command :

Actually the command work like this :

Fire the iso command, select a face, chose the U, V, or UV option, draw the iso curve.

The problem is that there is no real feedback to predict where is the U and where is the V curve.

Would be great if maybe the command can also work this way :

Select a boundary curve of a surface, fire the iso curve command, an iso curve is created according to the selection (see image).

Just a idea of course, I have not check all the side effect problems from this system. (it just copy the 'edge slide' command from poly modeler software).

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ