push pull

 From:  DesertRaven
5349.9 In reply to 5349.3 
So looking at the attached image, just for the sake of the moment of inspiration, why wouldn't I just want to create a face with the circle and just push it up when i need it to?
I understand how "nurbs" modeling works, or so I think I do, but this could be several operations combined working in the background to make it convenient for me as a user.

Also if I just want to quickly indent a shape into the flat rectangular part of the object, why do I have to go through a lengthy process of first creating a box, then putting it into position and then subtract it from the object? By the time I've done that, my inspiration is out the window. And that's exactly the advantage of SU and why it became so popular, because it's convenient. Unfortunately SU is very messy and organic modeling is a trip.

And as far as I researched the history of MOI it was intended to be a simple tool and easy to use, not so much weight on it strictly following NURBS modeling rules, or else we could of stuck with Rhino, right?
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