Hi DesertRaven, I guess I need some more description from you for how Extrude does not do what you need.
It's kind of fundamental to the way it works in SketchUp that Push/Pull works the way it does only because when you draw anything on a surface, it actually modifies that surface and embeds the curve into it, dividing the surface into pieces.
That's fine for SketchUp since it _only_ relies on push/pull for making stuff basically.
I'm not sure how to integrate that "always embed every drawing" thing into MoI since MoI has a whole bunch of different types of tools that you can use on that curve, not just only pushing it out as an extrusion.
Do you mean that you'd like for MoI to remove all the other kinds of construction tools that it has and only use push/pull, so that anytime you used any drawing tool it would be embed the drawing into surfaces so as to set it up only for use with push/pull ?
- Michael