push pull

 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.37 In reply to 5349.32 
Hi Dzeko - you can do a push/pull type operation if you have a solid and you select a face of that solid and then do an extrusion (Construct > Extrude) of the face.

When there is a face selection the generated extrusion is automatically booleaned with the base solid, either Boolean difference if you go inwards to the solid, or Boolean union if you extrude towards the outside direction.

Someday I'd like to have an option for this to also work if you are extruding curves that are positioned on the surface of a solid but currently that doesn't work, you need to select faces to do the automatic boolean mode. You can use Edit > Trim followed by Edit > Join to slice a face up into sections to prepare it for push/pulling though.

With a face selected, doing Extrude then works like this:

- Michael