push pull

 From:  Michael Gibson
5349.23 In reply to 5349.22 
Hi Steve,

> As MoI doesn't have a parametric history tree or variables, I'm not sure what would be gained.

The primary thing that it would be oriented towards would be just increased modeling speed for just initial creation of some kinds of objects.

I'd be shooting for something pretty simple - possibly just if you select both a solid as well as a curve it could then boolean the result of the extrusion away from that solid.

There are already existing options for controlling whether an extrusion is parallel or drafted so I don't think anything extra would be needed for that in particular.

But yes, definitely combining things can lead to more complexity inside of a command, that's one of the tricky aspects to balance. Yet at the same time it tends to be good for the UI as a whole to have more complexity under the surface somewhat more rather than having it all sort of hammering you in the face right immediately from the very top level.

Anyway the primary goal for this for extrude would be mainly to just basically bundle doing an extrusion and boolean together optionally so that you could save some steps and just make a simple indentation or protrusion more quickly.

Then I think that it will be possible to have some of those additional options in a "limit depth" option for the booleans for another way of getting a similar result.

We'll see how it works out, I think it should be possible to get something that will make some model construction just flow along more quickly though and it's pretty hard to view that as a bad thing, right?

- Michael