MoI to Keyshot with 3DM

 From:  Michael Gibson
5325.5 In reply to 5325.3 
Hi Martin,

> It does also beg the question as to whether you could do a plugin or another export option for MoI
> to output the render mesh, IF that's a possibility, then can i ask for it to be added to the wish list...

It's not a very easy fit for MoI to include an option for that because another difference between MoI and Rhino is that MoI differentiates between a "display mesh" which is one that's created for the realtime display and has an emphasis on being created very quickly, and an "export quality mesh", which is what you get when you save to a polygon mesh format.

The export mesher has more of an emphasis on quality and will do some much more time intensive calculations and also has a UI that pops up with it to allow you to control the meshing process.

If I were to just add an option to put display meshes into the 3DM file, the renderer that then used that would be receiving only the polygon data that was meant more for the realtime display. And if I instead tried to put an export mesh into the 3DM file that would involve popping up a mesh options dialog and additional mesh calculation for every save to 3DM format even though MoI itself would not use that data at all.

So either of those is pretty awkward. I don't see how it would work very well to add that in, it's not a great fit with how MoI functions. Really that particular 3DM data should be considered to be just a cache of Rhino's own display data and other programs shouldn't really be trying to use it directly as the main method of data transfer. It's basically relying on a side effect of something that Rhino itself only calculates and stores under certain circumstances.

- Michael