Hi sneather, MoI is a 32-bit application and so it's not able to make use of your entire 16 gigs of RAM.
If MoI is running out of memory while processing a particularly large file usually the best method is to do the export in some separate pieces instead of trying to do it all at once. You can do that by selecting some pieces and doing a File > Export - unlike "Save As", Export will only write out the selected objects instead of everything so that can help to reduce memory load.
Also if the object has a whole lot of little tightly curved pieces in it, that will consume quite a bit of memory for display mesh generation when it is loaded.
You can lighten the memory load somewhat by changing a setting to use a rougher display mesh, that's a setting under Options > View as described here:
Setting the "Mesh angle" to a rougher angle like 25 degrees and unchecking "Add detail to inflections" will make for a somewhat rougher looking display but also lighten up the density of the display meshes and that can help reduce memory consumption by quite a bit on more complex models.
Also there is another issue which is that MOI makes use of multiple CPU cores when doing the mesh generation, which helps for speed but also tends to increase peak memory consumption as well. You can disable the multi-core processing by going to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button. In the text file that comes up, go to the [Mesh Export] section and find the setting for ThreadLimit= and put in ThreadLimit=1 and that will disable the multiple core use for export which will make it slower but also consume less memory at any one point in operation.
So those are some things you can to help avoid running out of memory during mesh export - do the export in sections instead of all at once, switch the setting to make a rougher display mesh to consume less memory when loading the file, and also turn off multi-core use for the export meshing.
- Michael