
 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5313.9 In reply to 5313.8 
That great Michael, groups and instances will be a very welcome addition.

In Corel, there are these entities called 'Clones'. They're not groups, but you can 'clone' groups or objects, it doesn't matter.
When you change what's called the 'master', the 'slaves' change and reflect whatever is considered that master.

It's how I can set up things like business cards or stickers where I can go and change a part of the graphic or type and everything else changes without having to copy and place everything again and again.
Sometimes, I'll make a little graphic element like a 3D looking star shape, with an extrusion added to it, I can SCALE them and move clone all around.
No matter what the scale, rotation or orientation is, if I need to change a color or the shape, all of the 'slave' clones will follow suit. A big time saver, and the file is smaller as you make point of.

Good luck on its development whatever you're inspired to come up with.
