
 From:  Michael Gibson
5313.2 In reply to 5313.1 
Hi Rich, yup definitely MoI would benefit from a component / instance / block type mechanism. Right now they do not exist in MoI but that is definitely on my list to add in.

I've been kind of conflicted whether I should do something the same as Rhino and then have compatibility with it, or whether I should try to do something more like SketchUp actually, where the component can be directly combined into an object. But I'm also not sure whether the combination part should really be more a part of a history function rather than something that the component mechanism tries to handle itself.

I think in SketchUp a component can only be merged onto one target face, is that correct? That kind of works out well for SketchUp since it's overall more focused on making boxy objects and doesn't really have much focus on doing curved objects, but MoI is not so focused only on boxy stuff like that.

Or are you referring more to the overall component management UI in SketchUp?

- Michael