Hi Michael ...
> I think that will come from a "Group" mechanism which will be a separate thing from an "instancing" mechanism.
And so it should be. :)
> So far at least I've been thinking that a Group mechanism with hierarchy would be separate from that. Although maybe there is some possibility to combine things together but not if those combined mechanisms become too complex an unwieldy with too many options compared to how separate mechanisms would function.
This looses me somewhat ... Hierarchy to me would only be suitable for combining objects into a manageable "group", where as i see no point in "instancing" a single face or surface, a copy or mirror is plenty good enough for that kind of thing (I hope), Instancing a Group would be a huge plus for moi, but certainly not like Rhino blocks - they suck. I am no expert at these things, I just like playing, but I assume that the notes and annotation text blocks that Rhino uses must have an area in the *.3dm file to hold these things. Since MOI does not seem to use these at present, could you not use that space for a database type thing holding data\history for the named geometry to prevent complexity ?