Mysteries with MOI and Illustrator 10

 From:  Michael Gibson
5275.22 In reply to 5275.13 
Hi Pilou,

> 5275.13 In reply to 5275.12
> First ;) from post 12 Dframe .ai
> something like this Line 172 toward the end and even adress url inside ;) But Maybe
> the new import PDF can manage all this ?

That's all normal type of contents of a PDF files which contain compressed (like zipped) data in them - since Illustrator version 9 the AI format changed to actually be the same as PDF. But when you are saving them, you actually need to set a checkbox in Illustrator that says something like "Make PDF compatible" or else without that enabled it will make a kind of strange file that contains only private information in it and not stuff visible to PDF parsers. The new v3 beta should be able to handle PDF files a lot better than previous versions.

- Michael