I wonder!

 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
5260.12 In reply to 5260.11 

you know I have difficulty explaining things in english but I understand perfectly (this time) that TSpline does what it does using a polygonal approach. I also understand TSpline can "translate" those Poly surfaces to Nurbs surfaces that are joined in such a way (g2 continuity I believe) that the resulting object is nice and smooth. That in itself would be just great if Moi (or some other stand alone program) could do that. I know, I dreaming awake again.

Though it works on poly, some TSplines command seem to do things that we could do in Moi as well but with much less ease and many more steps. For example, if I'm not mistaking Moi's boolean commands do quite a lot of stuff in the background, like findind intersection, trimming, deleting some surfaces and joining back what's left. You said yourself that you'd like to improve the blend and network commands (amoung others), even if we forget about TSpline, I just wonder if the idea of a Moi "super" command could create a Nurbs surface over this network of curves for example.

Again, this is just an example, here from the set of curve in red, I wonder if this dino looking thing could be done in Moi using a single command (from the user perspective) just as it can be done in TSpline.

Those images come from the TSpline manual, I just hope I won't have problems.

Here again another example, I did most parts of this in Moi and used another program to add some details and smooth things out a bit. It's no longer a Nurbs object so I'm stuck with using some other program to put this in its place, in this case another object I designed in Moi. I know it's my problem but I just hate having to use anything else then Moi. By the way, TSpline can't convert this to Nurbs either, it's most likely it would be a pain to convert this back to Nurbs anyway. I might as well take the big bad tasting pill and do what's left in a poly program. Not only this but every time I'll want to reuse this model, I'll find myself doing a new model Moi, I'll have to export it and do what's left to be done outside of Moi again.

To sum it up, it's not really TSplines I'm interesting in but the main idea that we could possibly have more "powerful" commands in Moi, lets say "inspired" by say the kind of things the tsPipe command can do and of course it could be any other idea from any other program as well.
