new beta soon?

 From:  Michael Gibson
5252.75 In reply to 5252.73 
Hi beanworks,

> got a dumb question. Where might I find my license key?

Well, it's sent to you by e-mail originally. Right now it is not displayed in the actual program UI anywhere but it is written as a text file which you can open up in a text editor (like notepad on Windows or on Mac) to see.

The text file is in the same location as moi.ini, and will be named moi_v2_license.key - you can find out where your moi.ini file is at by going to Options > General , and push the "Edit .ini file" button. In the dialog that pops up, it will tell you where the ini file is located at and your moi_v2_license.key file should be in that same directory.

- Michael