You have something for rotate a multitude of Objects on their own point pivot ;)
Rotateobjects by Michael
(scroll for the updated script)
No doubt that Michael can easily adapt it for Scale ;) (no need see follow! ;)
You have also ExplodeMove who can move objects inside the prog itself !
In fact you have ScaleArray ! ;)
I have made a little video (sorry in French but very visual :)
The point will be the pivot! So put it at the gavity center on your case!
Just take the same Scale Start and End ;)
Don't think for the moment how put a point to each object of a selection multiple of objects ...
So you must remake your array of cube + point (or use the Array for the point if you have not move your cubes before ;)
The inside Command BoundingBoxCenter put a point inside a boxSelection but alas just one point of a general selection!
But Michael has made this ;)
script: /* Place a point at each selected object's bounding center */ var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i ) { var obj = objs.item(i); var pt = obj.getBoundingBox().center; var ptfactory = moi.command.createFactory( 'point' ); ptfactory.setInput( 0, pt ); ptfactory.commit(); }
So select all your cubes, launch the script and you will have a point at each center of gravity ;)
And now you can launch the ScaleArray ;)
Curious the ScaleArray works not in this last case!!! Maybe because it's not a "copy" of Points?
So wait Michael for this new little obstacle! :)