Majik Primer: MoI's Lighting Options and You!

 From:  Michael Gibson
5222.40 In reply to 5222.37 
Hi dinos, I've attached an updated version of EditNameDialog.htm that might work better for you.

This version fixes a bug where it was actually supposed to be possible to not initialize the name at all, that was not working before, and also now there is an alternate way to initialize the name by passing nameval=somename in the query string of the URL as well, like this:

function AddClicked() {

	var name = 'This is the name';

	var dialog = moi.ui.createDialog('EditNameDialog.htm?nameval=' + encodeURIComponent(name), '', moiWindow);
	if (dialog.window.doModal() != -1) {
		if (dialog.window.dialogReturnValue != '') {
			var name = dialog.window.dialogReturnValue;
			moi.ui.alert( name );

This should hopefully work for you for the moment until the cross-page script permission thing is fixed up.

- Michael