Surfaces and edges : 3 question to know how-to well do.

 From:  Alomphega
5204.6 In reply to 5204.5 
Hi Michael,

Say : for sure this helps a lot ! :-D

Thank you very much for your time taken to work on my file and to answer me.
This helps me a lot also with my understanding of MoI. (How to use Rebuild function with shortcuts or tab&typing, re-make point curves etc.)

Strange : yesterday I was sure to have checked the lack of this small surface on the top of the half-cylinder without seeing any kind of surface...
Anyway maybe I was too tired, so today is a very good day with its good news :-)

Again thank you very much for your excellent help.

Best Regards,

Guy Capra,
always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...