Majik Tutorial: The Mach-16 Razor

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
TO ALL! :::

Thanks to the gracious efforts of Pilou, the French language version to this tutorial is available at Scripts of Moi : Moment Of Inspiration Ze Zen Nurbs Modeleur
- Pilou's great MoI resources site for French-speaking users.

Le tutoriel pour "Le Rasoir MACH-16" peut être trouvé ici :

Other tutorials of mine in French can be found there too, click on the "Tutos" tab.

Ma page de liens de tutoriels dans le français peut être trouvée ici :

I'm happy to be able to provide my tutorials in an additional language.
So now, many more people in the world will be able to better enjoy MoI-3D!

Amusez-vous bien!

EDITED: 15 Jun 2012 by MAJIKMIKE