Bunch of Ideas

 From:  Michael Gibson
5182.2 In reply to 5182.1 
Hi ed, thanks for the feedback!

A lot of these things seem to revolve around using special modifier keys to do things - just in general I actually try to avoid a huge overload on so many special modifier keys required to do things. One reason is that I tried to make MoI be able to work without actually needing to touch the keyboard at all, but there is also another reason which is that a huge array of different modifier keys tends to be difficult for people to learn, and all that functionality tends to stay hidden from a lot of people.

That tends to be a problem when a function would be hidden for say 99.99% of users - that tends to make me sit back and wait until maybe some more accessible and discoverable design might be achieved.

> 4. split/select_view/reset single shortcut: Just a whim. Can it be possible to
> have a shortcut that when you hold a key it splits the view, and when you
> release, it stops in the view you have the mouse over and if you just press
> the shortcut it resets the view.

Right now there's no way to overload a single shortcut key with different actions for "hold" versus "tap" which I guess would be required for this one.

The problem with setting up something like that would be how to manage it and how to set up a clear UI for controlling it. More UI is a problem because having a lot of additional UI to control things that are only very rarely tends to clog things up and just makes the overall UI more complex and harder to manage for the areas that would actually be more widely used.

It's a goal for MoI to have a streamlined UI and to be easy to use, and so having features that would require a massively elaborate control panel to set up and manage are really at odds with that core goal of MoI to have simplicity and ease of use...

- Michael