Bunch of Ideas

 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
A lot of times when I'm using MoI, i realize how great it is to work with it, but at the same time I see things that could make my work more fluid. Here I collected some of the ideas that I remember...

1. Get measures with cLines: cLines are great because you just drag them, and they have more options, very good options, but i rarely use them cause it takes 3 to 4 steps to get them done, and for me the idea of the cLines is a one-step aid, and that's what make them great. So, a lot of times I just want to grab an existing measure (for example the space between two lines middle points), move it and orient it at some other place... Lets count the steps needed if I want to make that with a cLine: 1.drag the cLine 2.clic the submenu button 3.clic relocate cLine 4.clic the new location point 5.clic the submenu button again 6.clic reorient cLine 7. clic the new orientation point 8.phew! (optional)... 7 steps. What if I tell you that it can be achieved in just 2 steps? 1.drag the cLine 2.drag again at the point you want, with the orientation you want but with a modifier key pressed. Congrats you've saved 5 long steps! (and you can get rid of 2 options at the cLine submenu). Using similar measures around the model is a common task, and now it can be 2 steps ahead of us.

2. Browser, a couple of details...

2.1 Selections: The new selection indicator is a welcome improvement, but lets face it, sometimes its hard to reach being such a little button. I like it as an indicator but not as a button. I don't know future plans for the browser, but if it fits i suggest to make the whole name the button again and keep the little yellow dot as the good indicator it is.

2.2 Option to make objects work like styles: I've said that before and Michael argued not everybody wants to have every single object attached to a name in the browser, so why do I insist? What makes MoI such a great program is that the steps required to make something is minimized, so you can work faster and more fluid. Objects is a great way of organizing your scene, but, by default, you have to write a name for every single object you create if you want it in the Objects list, other way, the unnamed objects can be easily lost. Three problems here: 1.writing a name every time is time consuming 2.a name can be easily misspelled and then it will create a new "object" in the objects list 3.you can't select the unnamed objects easily. Let me reinforce the 3rd one there. If you have a heavy scene with a lot of objects, and you are looking for the unnamed, if you first turn all objects "visible" MoI will get slow (very slow in my experience), then you will turn off all the objects with a name assigned, then you have those unnamed you wanted, after making whatever with them you will want to restore the objects you were working on, but it happens that you don't remember which they were, so you just start to turn on and of every object in the list with a lag of 30 seconds each... it can be very painful. I know, thats a extreme case, but even in a simple scene it can take various painful steps. Well, all this can be done by just one clic with an unnamed group in the objects list. So, selecting objects and changing their names with one clic and not having to worry about the spelling, having all your unnamed objects under your control, deciding which name new objects will have... all this with Objects working like Styles. I think a lot of users will take advantage of this feature, so, why not to make it an option?

2.3 Browser organization: Again I don't know future plans for the browser, but I think modifier_key+drag rearranging and modifier_key+clic name change will be welcome additions.

3. Cycling shortcuts idea: This is something I borrowed from photoshop and kind of adapted to MoI current shortcut system. Im running out of keys, I would love if every single tool has a shortcut in my keyboard (maybe I'm exaggerating a little), but how about this: you assign "x" for 1d scale "xx" for 2d scale and "xxx" for 3d scale. You get the Idea. You can have a certain milliseconds space for pressing a letter twice or three times, just like double clic works. A nice way of expand you shortcuts!

4. split/select_view/reset single shortcut: Just a whim. Can it be possible to have a shortcut that when you hold a key it splits the view, and when you release, it stops in the view you have the mouse over and if you just press the shortcut it resets the view. I've been working with the split-view shortcut and its great cause it is more visual, you will know which view you need when you see it. It was confusing when y tried to use the default buttons at the bottom of the interface. This shortcut just can make the experience better.

Well those are the Ideas, hope not so long it bored you. Just trying to put mi five cents into making MoI even better than it is now.