Hi Psygorn,
> The Voronoi cells look more distorted! and it seems they are wrapped around
> a symmetrical surface (Like a funnel). Note: My target surface is not symmetrical!
The funnel look is because the "underlying surface" of your trimmed surface is funnel shaped. Try selecting it and using Edit > Show pt to show its control points:
Flow works on the structure of the underlying base surface, it won't use trimming boundaries other than shrinking the underlying surface down to encompass the trims.
So you can't affect the shape of the flow result by applying a trim or boolean on the target surface like you have done here. You need to shape the underlying untrimmed base surface by generating it in that desired shape initially using something like loft or sweep to those boundaries, not cutting to those boundaries. Cutting generates trim boundaries, it does not affect the shape of the underlying surface that Flow uses.
Another thing you could do to reduce squishing would be to use the Rebuild command on your generator curve before doing a revolve with it. That will give it an even parameterization and help to avoid compression or expansion in areas where your generator curve has control points unevenly spaced.
- Michael