Hi Mike, ok but what I have been trying to describe is that all you need to do is run Rebuild on that bendy curve and then after you have done that the rebuilt version of it has "arc length parameterization" - meaning that it will be a match to a simple single line as far as traveling along each in a uniform manner.
So if you want your revolve or extrude to have a "uniform traveling speed" matching property to a straight line, it's not necessary to construct such a complex multi-point straight line version of your curve like you are doing there, instead do a rebuild of your bendy curve before you construct your surface out of it and just have a simple regular line segment for the line.
Also note that none of this applies to curve-to-curve flow at all, it only deals with distance as traveled along the curve and so parameterization and control point spacing does not have any effect there.
Anyway, the key thing that I'm trying to explain is that yes - your bendy curve there that was drawn from Draw curve > Freeform > Control points has uneven parameterization as you currently show it. But if that uneven parameterization is going to cause a problem for you later on with surface-to-surface Flow then just run Rebuild on it (with "Refit to tolerance mode, not # of points mode), and the resulting rebuilt curve does not have uneven parameterization on it anymore. An even arc length parameterization is one of the properties of rebuild.
- Michael