surface edge flip?

 From:  BurrMan
5131.3 In reply to 5131.2 
Thanks Michael,
The click was it, It fliped the blend, per click (Did you tell me that before? :o). No seam adjuster was presented, although that must be due to the malformed surface. I must have created that doing some further kindof unconventional steps on a part I flowed already. I need to put some time in on flow, because although it will work fast and produce great results, if it's used hap-haggardly, then you can morph your object in unintended ways. I suppose the key there is not to work hap-haggardly. But for me, I think the key will be proper setup of my curve/surface-from/target objects. Also, kindof like fillets, flow last.

Thanks for the help with this.