The new OSX version

 From:  Michael Gibson
5115.2 In reply to 5115.1 
Hi phlatt5th, sounds good - I think the fix for the startup crash should trickle down in not too long.

re: script copier - I don't really have anything set up for a Mac script copier version. But all the script copier utility does is simply copy files from one folder to another, you can just use the OSX Finder to do the exact same job.

Go to your old beta where you have the scripts installed, and right-click on the app and choose "Show package contents", and inside there go to drive_c/moi/commands .

Do the same thing on new beta so you have 2 finder windows open to each of those directories. Then on the old one, do a Cmd+A to select all and just drag all those commands over to the new beta's commands directory, answer "no" to overwrite stuff and then all your extra installed plug-ins will be copied over into the new version.

- Michael