3DConnexion Mice and OSX

 From:  gav (MACDRACK)
5103.8 In reply to 5103.7 
>Hi Gav,
>> The drivers control panel don't seem to recognise MoI
>> as running so I have to tweak the "Any Application"
>> profile. Not a problem as such more a point to note.

>Yeah I noticed that there was something a bit strange in the driver with that.

>I'm not sure if the driver is hard coded to only recognize a certain list of apps or something like that, or it also may be possible that the >driver gets confused from the way the OSX version of MoI happens to be implemented and it may either think that it's not running since >the main internal executable that initially launches then passes control to a different program and then exits, or it may also be possible >that it thinks that the MoI is named "WineskinX11" instead of MoI. There's not much that I can do about those things I don't think since >it's not easy for me to completely re-arrange these internals just to suit how that particular driver happens to expect to see apps >structured.
I suspected the 'wrapped' nature of MoI on OSX would be problematic.

>But MoI also has a lot of settings of its own for controlling the 3Dconnexion behavior, there is a section under Options > View > >Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > 3Dconnexion options along the right-hand side.

Yep I see those - I don't really change much that is a problem, but others may.

>> It's difficult to describe, but input seems delayed and
>> then there's excessive movement after I've stopped,
>> almost like there's buffering of input values and the
>> extra movement is simply me not appreciating the initial delay.
>Hmmm, I don't see anything like that over here.
>Is the Mac you're running it on an older/slower type machine? What video card does it have in it?

It's the latest Mac Book Air - 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5. Intel HD Graphics 3000 processor with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM shared with main memory, Obviously, not a massive power house - thoughts?
>> The same setup on Windows is as slick as ever.
>Do you mean the exact same computer running Windows instead like with Bootcamp? Or is your Windows machine a totally separate >machine?

Sorry, I was referring to MoI and a 3dMouse only, no bootcamp here :-). My main machine is an Desktop i5 @ 4.8Ghz and a GTX570. So a direct comparison is not fair or useful.
>My guess is that things are not getting processed quite quickly enough to avoid events from getting stacked up.
>Right now it tries to respond to every single message that is sent, and I can probably tune it up so that it doesn't do that and kind of >skips over ones if they are coming in faster than they are able to be processed smoothly. It should not be difficult to at least give that a >try anyway.

If it's quick, otherwise I could be in a very small minority for such attention, your call :-)
Ta Gav