Hi Martin, yeah I don't think it's really feasible to do a camera match calculation just purely from image adjustments like that, from what I have seen (I have not implemented one before myself actually though) it usually involves things more like analyzing stuff in the image itself possibly including things like user guided annotations or selecting matching points between 2 photos or things of that nature.
In any case since I'm not actually 100% familiar with all the details it would involve a lot of research as a first step before even actually digging into it.
Then like I mentioned before there would likely be a lot of UI to control the whole process and in general UI design for me tends to be a highly time consuming area of work.
So yeah I would expect for it to be a quite significant undertaking in order to do that.
For rendering programs it makes sense to have it for a focus area since it's frequently needed there to merge the result of the rendering into an existing photo. So if you do want to do some kind of camera matching work you may want to look at a rendering program which has that feature in it already. If you are able to use a different program to calculate the camera position that matches a particular photo, it is possible to then set that camera position in MoI by using a script on a keyboard shortcut, see here for an example:
- Michael