Hi Martin, yeah NURBS models have a higher overhead for things like edge structures, basically for every edge in a NURBS model there is a lot of various pieces of data including both a UV-space version of the edge as well as a 3D edge curve.
So when you get to a situation where you've got something similar to a polygon structure with just a lot of little planar faces and lots and lots of little edge curves, that is not very efficient data-size wise in a NURBS model as compared to a polygon model structure.
NURBS are more efficient in other kinds of ways, especially when your model has large sections of it made of curved surfaces, since a big curved thing can be exactly represented as one NURBS spline surface while with polygons you have to use a whole lot of little polygons to represent it.
For a case like you've got there, you'll probably be fine with those heavy pieces if you just break them out into a separate file (select them and use File > Export to put them in their own separate file and then delete them from your main working model) so that you won't bog things down so much with a huge file for your main working model.
- Michael