Testing v3 for vehicle modelling

 From:  TpwUK
5101.21 In reply to 5101.20 
Thanks again Michael - The image below points to the areas to be trimmed. Those trimmed surfaces will then need to have chamfers or fillets added to them to create some depth and volume. I won't be attempting the interior, just need to get the outside looking right.

The image below has all of what needs to be rolled edges highlighted by MoI selection. These lines need to be rounded off rather than coming to a sharp edge. The other edges don't really need to be rounded as they are fairly accurate with the way that they just alter how light bounces across the surfaces.

I hope you can understand what it is i am trying to get across - Surfaces that are timmed then get the trimmed edge either offset or extruded as to have another surface to fillet. I choose fillets as they are more rounded than the blend which has that "s" type of shape to it and just don't work right in this situation. I have not found a way in MoI to extract what Rhino calls an isocurve which would have been more suitable for doing a subtle blend of the connecting sub surfaces to create the more massive surface.

Michael - "Just in general vehicle modeling is one of the more challenging and advanced types of projects to undertake, by the way."

Oh yes, I have been trying to master this art-form for years. I can do things like bottles, pistons, nuts n bolts and all that kind of modelling with no problems, that's why I can't grasp why I can't do vehicles. The only one i have managed to complete is an old 1950's bedford van as shown below.

Many thanks for the offer of help Michael - It's appreciated.
