Power SubD-NURBS

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5088.46 In reply to 5088.45 
My son asked if there was a way to take models from SketchUp into MoI... I didn't recommend it.

I like this: (modo power-nurbs site)

“Organic NURBS surfacing is no longer strictly the domain of T-Splines! Modeling in modo and exporting to your CAD package of choice is a powerful workflow. modo+NURBS; two great tastes that taste great together!”

– Branden Coker

Like a "Power-Reeses". ;-) Moi is the chocolate, of course.

This inspires me for a crazy Moi feature idea that is way too implausible to ever exist.

A command that can take two or more surfaces and rebuild them into a new single contiguous one (within reason). That way (Pilou), you could take the SketchUp models and smooth out those "polys".

wait, wait... If you export a multi-surface face NURBS into a poly/Sub-D modeler, apply a little smoothing, then Power-NURBS could work it's magic, and back to MoI. (the wheels turn)