Ctrl copies active

 From:  coi (MARCO)
5087.3 In reply to 5087.1 
Hey Matt..

there is a script for this kind of behaviour:

SelectLastCommandCreated – selects all the objects that were generated by the last command. So for instance after finishing Array you can hit the shortcut key with this script on it, and all the results of the array will be selected.

script:var a = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionStart; var b = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd; var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) { var obj = objects.item(i); if ( obj.databaseRevision> a && obj.databaseRevision <= b ) obj.selected = true; }


~ Marco

P.S...too slow ;)