Clean export to Modo

 From:  andrewsimper
I am doing the same UV mapping as stated in my first post, a cylindrical mapping around the knob in the direction of the lines shown. This is a one click operation in Modo using the "UV Projection Tool" and gives perfect results for tri + quad meshes from MOI, including the bump map for the brushed aluminium stock modo material, which I manually change the size of to 50 um bump depth - the whole knob is 14 mm in diameter. I've attached a closeup of the UV map of the area in question:

I was told that everyone was using n-gon export to Modo without issues, so I thought I would give them another and document it all in this thread for everyone to comment on. N-gon output still don't work properly with Modo for me no matter what I do. Even with a basic reflective surface only and no bump maps I still get incorrect lines rendering where non coplanar n-gons don't line up very well. If there are any other MOI + Modo users reading this thread can you please download the .3dm of the knob and give it a go with a basic reflective surface and zoom in on the same vertical fillet and let me know how you go? I always end up getting stuff like:

Michael, is it possible to split up non co-planar > 4-gons into a bunch of 4-gons? This may help for programs like Modo that can't seem to handle non co-planar > 4-gons very well. Any planar > 4-gons could remain to keep the poly count down for easier selection and UV mapping without going to the full mess that is tri + quads.