
 From:  Michael Gibson
4960.5 In reply to 4960.3 
Hi ed - do you maybe mean something like a "length" snap that would constrain the length of a line that you are drawing to go in certain incremental steps? (allowing it to vary instead of locking it to one specific value - you can already lock it to a particular value by using "distance constraint" which you can activate by just typing in the distance value you want).

Note that something like that would end up putting the endpoint coordinates at all kinds of different numeric coordinates - something like a line that has a length of 5 but an angle of 21 degrees does not have its endpoints located at some specific limited snapped precision value for its x,y,z coordinates.

I guess probably what you meant, is that correct? - when you talked about limiting the values that were used that confused me a lot because when you draw in a line, the length of the line is not actually what is stored in the 3DM file, it's the coordinates of the 2 endpoints that are the actual values that define the line.

- Michael