right side or top side when drawing?

 From:  bemfarmer
4950.82 In reply to 4950.81 
Hi Tony,

In my opinion, it is a good idea to scale the photos, and move them so that they match up with each other, using the view,image,align command.
It helps me to place points at certain areas on the photos, say two points per photo, say 1 point at left center, 1 point at right center.
Also place a start and an end point on the MoI screen, at known lengths, where the stock will be created.

The align command takes a little bit of practice, but is fairly easy...
Pick the two points on the photos, then pick start point on the screen, and the endpoint on the screen.
The photo is scaled and can also be rotated a bit, if it is slightly askew.

Lots of saves helps, as going backwards may be limited. Setting up the incremental save script is handy. (Alt+S).

(Just one amateurs opinions.)

There is going to be some distortion and slightly angled photos, so the photos are a guide, not perfection...