boolean merge

 From:  Michael Gibson
4927.2 In reply to 4927.1 
Hi niko, actually boolean merge does already work with surfaces - if you have a set of overlapping surfaces like this:

Then boolean merge can be used on all those together to construct a solid out of the enclosed volume and the excess outer parts of the surfaces will be discarded, giving a result like this:

Is that the kind of thing you were asking about, or did you have some other kind of surface configuration in mind?

In general the boolean commands are oriented towards forming a solid volume for the resulting object. If you need to cut just surfaces that are not going to end up being a solid then use the Trim command for that kind of cutting rather than the booleans. The Trim command can cut up surfaces and then you specify which pieces to discard by clicking on the cut up fragments. The booleans on the other hand also do cutting but they pick which pieces to discard or keep for you automatically according to which volume they are contained inside of and which operation you use.

- Michael