Hi anthony, so I am planning though in v3 to improve the Blend tools, specifically to allow you to pick a longer chain of edges for each side of the blend instead of the current situation where you can only pick one single edge on each side.
So that would probably help out a lot in your particular situation here.
Right now since MoI's blend only works between 1 edge on each side you may have to split edges up in order to get them down to a 1-to-1 matching. You can split an edge into multiple smaller edge pieces by selecting the edge and running the Trim command and using the "Add trim point" button which then lets you pick a point on the edge for where to split it.
But instead of doing all that, right now I'd recommend taking your object into Rhino and using Rhino as a helper tool along with MoI for this model - Rhino's blend is able to do a multiple chain of edges so you will probably save a lot of frustration by doing the blend for this situation in Rhino instead of MoI.
That is an area that I do expect to work on improving for v3 though.
- Michael