thanks michael,
i updated my post to include some pictures with the loft. i am just using the no save eval of 2.0 so i can't provide a model. sorry. the blend example in your help and in the forums definitely seems close to what i need. i'm thinking i'm probably envisioning g3. basically if you imagine an aluminum forging and someone with a grinder transitioning from a cylinder to an airfoil. it would be tangent in two directions and also have a smooth rate of change in the third direction. i'm sorry i don't know the right cad jargon for this. blend with surfaces is only letting me choose between g1 and g2. the g3 option only seems to appear when you have curves selected. when i try that i get a curve that is nonsensical. the blend between surfaces almost works but not quite. i mean works for what i'm trying to do, not that it does not work.
the problem is complex because the base coordinate system is constantly changing and you are trying to hold tangent to two coordinates along a changing coordinate system. then also have a smooth rate of change i believe in the remaining axis. its hard for me because i can see it in my head but can't express it well for you.
i'm just curious if some expert moi users can achieve something like this. i have tried everything i can think of but can't figure it out.
this is typically how a propeller blade is connected to the hub. i have been using a novel geometry of my own design. one thing as mentioned way back when is i'm having to increase the trailing edge radius by 2.5x what i really need or MoI will often malform it. you had mentioned that it had to do with how small the feature was to the rest of the geometry. is this something that might get better in 3.0?