problem with blend (it could be user error)

 From:  Michael Gibson
4926.25 In reply to 4926.23 
Hi anthony, so from what I see there that does look to be likely just a lack of refinement in the display mesh in those areas.

It's most likely nothing to be concerned about - in order to be displayed the surfaces have to be converted to triangles and those areas of the surface just did not get a whole lot of triangles generated for them.

The display is inherently piecewise linear because video cards only understand how to process triangles. Most of the time MoI does a nice job of making enough triangles to make things have a smooth appearance. In some situations you may not get enough - that's partly because the focus on the display mesh generation is on doing it really quickly so it cuts corners in some areas and it is possible to have a bit of a jagged appearance when that happens.

When that happens it is not something that you need to go through any great lengths to fix - it's not an actual error in your geometry so you should just ignore it and not try to reconstruct your model.

Normally one way to verify that it's only a rough display mesh would be to export to a mesh format and crank the export density way up and look at what that does. The export mesher uses a somewhat different approach than the display mesher and does a much more thorough job of testing and refining things.

But my main advice for what you see there is to just ignore it - as far as I can see it's simply a display artifact and not any actual error. Maybe MoI's typically nice display has inadvertently made things worse in this case, by making you worry too much about seeing some evidence of the slightly lower density triangulation in the display mesh in some spots. I mean what you are showing there seems to be a close zoom in to a small area of the large surface, just doing that kind of closely zoomed in examination will exaggerate what is actually only really a small amount of angularity in the display...

- Michael