problem with blend (it could be user error)

 From:  Unknown user
4926.11 In reply to 4926.10 
thanks michael,

i think you nailed it. i believe that is exactly the issue. its almost perfect but the continuity is off some because i can't select the whole chain of curves.

here are a few more picks. it kind of develops some peaks along the way. the suction and pressure sides i can do with blend at .7 the le and te i have to use network. so it develops the problem areas. but its close. the whole blade is then unioned into a solid.

i used to use rhino until i discovered moi. i would never go back to rhino. i love moi. i am only evaluating it however for users of PROP_DESIGN. i'm retired now so other than evaluating moi for use with PROP_DESIGN, I don't do any other modeling. moi is the best choice as far as i'm concerned. this little problem area doesn't worry me too much because users of PROP_DESIGN would have to move on to much more expensive tools like FEA. moi is a great transition between PROP_DESIGN and FEA. You get the base blade geo and that is all that is really needed at this step. i was just experimenting some and I guess I ran into a small limit here. no worries.

your planned changes should fix the issue i'm having. thanks for the explanation. i won't keep beating on this now that i know i'm not doing something wrong.

i do hope that something like 64-bit precision can be added someday though. that should help with my trailing edge radius problem. but again that can be cleaned up in a downstream program. just another nicety.

give 'em an inch and they want a mile :-)