Quads only?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4923.4 In reply to 4923.1 
Hi Jacobo,

> How possible would it be to implement the option of
> generating a quads only mesh?

Unfortunately no, not without a significant amount of work because creating that kind of mesh involves tiling trimmed surfaces with a lot of little quads in a much different way from the current mesher, and creating a totally new topology where all those rows of quads end up slamming into one another which is the particularly tricky part.

See here for some previous discussion:


> Something in the way Groboto or PowerBooleans (3dsMax plugin) does it.

I believe that PowerBooleans uses the same code that's in the Solids++ kernel that MoI uses. I tested it and found it to make messy results most of the time, so that's something that seemed like it would work only for a couple of situation and was not generally that robust.

The Groboto one looks pretty interesting, but if you follow their discussion thread on the Modo forum you will find that they're saying that they always seem to be in the process of reworking and changing it. So it's a large amount of ongoing work that they're doing on that. That should be a good indication on the amount of time that's involved in making that work.

Probably your best bet is to use a retopologizing tool for reworking a mesh into quads, something like TopoGun or 3D Coat also has some good retopo tools in it. Maybe at some point Groboto will deal with imported data from other CAD systems, it would be good to ask them about that.

It is something that I would like to try to tackle some day but it's such a significant amount of work involved that it is difficult to find the huge block of time that would be necessary to do it.

- Michael