modo like UI

 From:  jacobo3d

It's been a while since last time I wrote in the forum (2007?) and even since last time I have used Moi. For different reasons I've never found the time to get into it and add it to my tool set. I've always liked the software and I've been looking for a chance to really use it, which could be now, so I've started testing it again. First thing I needed to do though was to tweak the UI, since it was too bright for me to be staring at it for too long, and also I thought that since modo is the main package I'm going to use it with it would be good to keep a kind of 'familiar' environment ;).

So I did a quick customization and I thought of sharing it just in case anybody else might enjoy it. They are not exactly the same colors (I eyeballed it), just in the same range. I don't know if something similar has been posted already, so I hope I'm not double posting.

Moi3d modo like UI

– Installation:
1.- Backup your ‘ui’ folder inside Moi3D installation folder
2.- Open Moi and go to 'Options'. From there, change the parameters specified in the ‘options.txt’ file included in the ZIP and then close Moi.
3.- Extract ‘ui’ folder content from the ZIP file inside your Moi’s installation ‘ui’ folder and overwrite existing ones
4.- Open Moi and you should see something like this:

EDITED: 12 Feb 2012 by JACOBO3D


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