Recent Projects

 From:  Colin
Hi Everyone,

Had a request from another Jeweller if I could make a Signet ring with the RAR (Royal Australian Regiment) Insignia.
Figured I'd at least give it a try & so managed to do it all in MoI.
The only "outside item" was the textured surface for the background of the Insignia, it was done in Zsurf4 as an IGES file.

A Copy & Paste of the MoI model into Rhino for rendering with V-Ray & now just waiting for an OK from the Jeweller's customer.

Model has been designed to be hollowed under the top half of the ring, so will mill it as several pieces to allow access to all areas.
Once all the pieces are milled in wax, I can then rejoin everything so as it can be cast as one complete item without joins.

regards Colin

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