
 From:  Michael Gibson
4894.17 In reply to 4894.12 
Hi val,

> I'm attaching what I see in Rhino when I import the file as a STP.

The best way to move geometry from MoI into Rhino is to use 3DM format.

> so there is something going on in the translation to STP from the Deform
> because this doesn't happen on the un deformed model when it is
> exported as a STP.

That seems to be some issue with Rhino's STP importer - it must be deciding that those edges are not accurate enough or something like that.

Again, I myself do not have direct control over additional things that another program may decide to do to change objects when they import stuff in. Some programs may have some options to control their behavior about changing things, like some programs have options to "heal" geometry, which can be turned on or off, it's not unusual for that of additional processing to make things worse instead of better.

But you will certainly have problems with the sphere pieces going into other programs, those pieces are indeed mangled.

In the attached files I've modified the object to have the mangled sphere pieces removed and to make the gap between the end cap pieces a bit larger instead of barely skimming right over each other.

The attached STP file generated from that cleaned up object reads into both ViaCAD and Alibre as a solid, and MoI is also able to read it back in from that STP file as a solid.

There does seem to be different behavior in Rhino's STP import, that could be some kind of bug or limitation of some sort in the Rhino importer, I'm not sure why Rhino behaves differently than other programs in this particular case, you would probably need to contact them to find out more details about that behavior.

As you can see here, different programs may do different things with imported data.

Your request to make MoI work the same as all other programs doesn't really make sense because the built in assumption there that all other programs behave in one uniform way is not correct...

- Michael