New Mac OSX public beta Jan-31-2012 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.97 In reply to 4879.96 
Hi blankidea,

> By the way I forgot to tell you that CMD+V does not work on
> the input fields.

For the moment use the Ctrl key instead with Ctrl+V and it should work, but that is something that I will fix up for the next beta to make Cmd+V work for text pasting like you were expecting.

> Also I install a script called (redefine Curve) which I have to install
> directly into the application (by right click on the app icon "show content").
> Normally you use the Library folder for the user but this one is not working.

This part probably won't change for the 2.5 release - it's the same with the Windows version where you install scripts into the application's commands sub-folder and not into a centralized location like the Library folder. I do want to improve this in the future to work like that but I do not expect for that to make it into the 2.5 release though.

So to install a plug-in command into OSX MoI now you will need to right-click on the app icon and then pick "Show package contents", then go to drive_c/moi/commands - that's the place where you will need to copy plug-in command to in order for MoI to recognize them.

In the future I want to overhaul the whole plug-in installation process so that there will be some kind of UI that handles it for you and you won't need to drill into specific folders but that's how it works currently.

Thanks for the additional bug reports!

- Michael