New Mac OSX public beta Jan-31-2012 available now

 From:  blankidea
4879.92 In reply to 4879.91 
Your are great :-) looking forward for the next beta! Did you plan a early bird sale (pre sale)

Thanks for your answer and your tip! I still need to learn, but its easy to get result. In fact the motivation is higher then in other 3d programs because you don't have to think in and like a quad :-). So MoI is perfect for technical stuff... and to get the shape you want faster. So in my case I use MoI to create hardware pieces and import them into cinema 4d for further modifcations.

I have a other question: I was trying different shapes and test how fast they can be merged (Union)
If I "bool" the rips of a tire piece by piece its much faster then selecting all together to "bool" them.

Or did I make something wrong?
PS: Sorry for my english