New Mac OSX public beta Jan-31-2012 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
4879.77 In reply to 4879.76 
Hi Jeff,

> i really don't know how much, if any, of a problem
> this will be but it's happening this summer with the
> release of mountain lion..

That particular thing shouldn't be a problem for MoI - MoI does not actually require there to be a system installed version of X11, it already has its own X11 contained within the app itself.

Probably the thing that will be a bit more problematic is that new Gatekeeper thing which by default does not allow programs to run unless they are signed with a special certificate from Apple. But it sounds like you can still run an unsigned program just that you need to get it on the exception list by doing a right-click open on it at least one time. So that will probably be a minor hassle, since I don't think that I can properly sign MoI with a certificate because a couple of internal files get modified when you run it.

- Michael