Pulling my hair out, problem using Boolean Diff

 From:  stevecim
Hi All

Quick over view:
trying to modal a chess board, it's 284mmx284mmx10mm, it has a 10mm board and 33mm squares.
I want to have all "black" square recessed 0.7mm.

So here is wat I did.
First I made the base board via a cube, entering the dimensions, no extruding or resizing.
then I made up a 33mmx33mmx2mm solid has a die. I place this so it sat .7mm into the base board, run a boolean->Diff , with option remove unchecked, when I take away the die, I'm left with a nice .7mm recess has expected.

So I layout the 31 other dies, I remove 7 other dies no problem, but after that when I try to Bool-Diff more dies, it's removing the face of the base board and I can "see" inside the board instead of leaving a recess. I don't know what's going on, what cause a solid to be come hollow?
I restarted the model 3 times but the same thing keeps happening, so clearly I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what it is.

I've attached my model, if some could please have a look? I'm trying to diff out the red squares and then hollow out the material underneath

Thanks Steve