Go to your Options>View> and lower the "Mesh Angle" number. The smaller the angle, the more polygons have to be written to the vid card.
But if you are patient and can wait until MoI re-draws to the card, then you can get a smooth looking surface that is great for saving screen captures of.
Before going back to manipulating the model, just change the number back to something higher.
For your convenience, put this script in your shortcut keys list in the Options:
code: script: /* Toggle mesh angle */ var newang, ang = moi.view.meshAngle; if ( ang == 5 ) newang = 15; else if ( ang == 15 ) newang = 25; else newang = 5; moi.view.meshAngle = newang; var sidepane = moi.ui.getUIPanel('moi://ui/SidePane.htm').document; if ( !sidepane.getElementById('meshangval') ) { sidepane.body.insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeEnd', '<div id="meshangval" style="position:absolute; right:5px; bottom:5px;"></div>' ); } sidepane.getElementById('meshangval').innerText = newang;
Then you can toggle through a few mesh angle choices on the fly, and the number will be displayed at the bottom of your command panel.