How do I start modeling a shape like the body of this razor?

 From:  nonius
4855.26 In reply to 4855.25 

this is very outdated information I think.
Updating the site is not one of their top priorities :-)
It is not cheap though and to be honnest, it is only since their last release that the purchase pays of.

The extra GPU's in your system also come with a certain price.

To render animations/movies you need to use Renderwarrior. A piece of command line software that comes with the software. You need to get used to it, but once you achieve that, it is quite fast. Strange watching command line interface rendering though. It is not communicated well but their stand alone package is not capable of rendering animations (yet). They see it more as a digital photo cam than as a video cam (their words, sort of)

As we speak it is rendering a movie of my razor model.

